SHREE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Is The Leading Manufacturer Of Stable Bleaching Powder. Our Company Is Established In 1980

Years of Service
About The Company
Shree Chemical Industries “MANGALMURTI SBP” Product manufactured by Shree Chemical is known for a high standard of quality &performance.
it is confirming to IS:1065-89, Rev-II in India under the brand name of “MANGALMURTI“
Our products

High-density Polyethylene (HDPE)
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Polyethylene High-Density (PEHD) is a Polyethylene Thermoplastic made from Petroleum.
Stable Bleaching Powder
Stable Bleaching Powder is any of various mixtures of Calcium Hypochlorite, Lime (Calcium Hydroxide), and Calcium Chloride.